Covenant University Strategic Plan - Vision 10:2022
Vision 10:2022 was conceived as an 8-point agenda 1 to 8 with 16 actionable goals. The Vision is aimed at getting the University listed among the top ten universities in the world within a ten year period (2012-2022)
Parameters and Action Plans of Vision 10:2022
01. Disciplined Atmosphere for Learning
a. Evolve a Covenant culture
- Evolve a culture among staff and students that depicts high level of discipline and responsibility.
- Demonstrate high-level Spirituality, Timeliness, Commitment and Productivity.
- Ensure a responsive Administrative/Management structure for speedy turnaround of memos.
- Ensure a disciplined and committed Student Support Programme (SSP) to drive our in loco parentis role.
- Improve Internet Services
- Improve Teaching Facilities
- Improve Power/Water Supply
02. Research: Volume, Income and Reputation
03. Citations
04. Teaching (Learning Environment)
05. International Outlook: Staff, Students and Research
06. Industry Income: Innovation
07. Alumni (Addition from SJTUR)
08. Awards (Addition from SJTUR)